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Fletcher Living - Morrin Road Masterplan

Fletcher Living - Morrin Road Masterplan

100 Morrin Road, St Johns Auckland

100 Morrin Road is a new masterplan development for the former quarry site in collaboration with Fletcher Living, Marutuahu and Boffa Miskell, providing a new community/neighbourhood near the base of Maunagrei /Mount Wellington.

The design concept creates a strong boundary condition to the development and street frontage to the existing surrounding streets & new public open space. This was achieved through a consistent formal and material response to the perimeter. Identifying key corner buildings which provide and act as ‘gateways’ into the site, whilst a central axis & pedestrian link through the site linking Stonefields Ave and a newly planned Te Tauoma Open Space.

The proposed development has rich variation of architectural form and materiality across the development. Mana Whenua engagement & concepts based around the Maunga, Awa & Wairua have been integrated into both the Architectural and Landscape design response. The overall masterplan and landscape strategy maintains and enhancers key views & aconnection to the maunga - providing quality public & shared communityspaces through pocket parks and JOAL design.

Resource Consent has been obtained, earthworks are now completed on site with building consents underway, construction is imminent.

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Key Facts

·        Site area: 4.29ha

·        Masterplan & development for 143 new homes, all for market sale, 1 - 3-storeys in height

·        Wide range of housing typologies from single storey-walk-up apartments, standalone houses and 2-3 storey terraces. A new typology was developed including an accessory unit to the main dwelling, which formed part of garage. The intention was for this to be either a work-from-home space or an additional bedroom/living space suitable for multi-generational families.

·        All designed to be NZGBC Homestar rated

·        Approx. 40% of homes designed to utilize Fletcher Living ‘Clevercore’ prefabricated construction

·        New neighbourhood road and street network including landscaping & pedestrian connections

·        New shared access lanes and community ‘bump’ spaces

Client Testimonial
Fletcher Living Ltd (joint venture with Marutuahu)
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